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Updated: May 2, 2023

2023 Q1

Artist: Grzegorz Linkiewicz

Title: "Melancholy"

Process: Classic cyanotype (traditional formula) on Winsor & Newton Cold Pressed Watercolour Paper 300gsm.


Artist: Bronwen Kamasz

Title: "Poet in Action"

Process: Classic cyanotype on Saunders watercolour paper. Selective toning with a fine brush. (Original photo by Anna White.)


Artist: Vicki Richardson

Title: Twin Leaf

Process: This piece is a wet cyanotype on watercolor paper.


Artist: Ronald D. Butler Title: "Composure"

Contact: Process: "Composure" was made by overlaying two digital positives on Arches Platine paper coated with Photographer's Formulary Cyanotype A/B liquid kit for a thirty minute exposure in late summer sun.


Artist: db Dennis Waltrip

Title: Asemic Writing in Blue No. 4

Contact: IG: @db.kodachromegirl

Process: Photogram with ink & traditional cyanotype chemistry on watercolor paper.


Artist: Vincent Sebastian

Title: Rocking Horse

Process: I made a digital collage in Photoshop. The image was inverted and a negative transparency was made to size.

Jacquard A&B was mixed and coated on Strathmore Bristol Board. The negative was contact printed with an exposure time of nine minutes using a UV Light box. The print was developed in water, sprayed with dilute hydrogen peroxide, washed, and hung to dry.


Artist: Kimberly Chiaris

Title: End of Summer

Process: Wet Cyanotype with plants, turmeric, salt, soap




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