Artist: Jan Rosagel
Location: Ciudad de México
Title: "My Spirits"
Process: This piece is a cyanotype on glass, which evokes the spirits and knowledge millenaris of the pedagogies of the earth.
Artist: Ronald D. Butler
Location: NY, NY
Title: “Lily”
Process: I decided to try making cyanolumens. I contact printed a lily onto an expired sheet of Ilford Multigrade IV RC photo paper for almost four hours. I fixed the image in Ilford Rapid Fix mixed at a ratio of 1 to 3 for two minutes. The next day I coated the sheet with a 50/50 mix of old questionable Photographers' Formulary A/B cyanotype solution. Again, I contact printed a lily on the coated paper for 30 minutes and washed for about five minutes. I was happy to find that the solution adhered to the plastic in the RC paper and created a mottled glossy finish. This is definitely a process I will work with again!
Artist: Ruchita Madhok
Location: Mumbai, India
Title” “Monsoon Moments”
Instagram: @ruchitamadhok
Process: In the lushness of monsoon a great many plants and weeds begin to sprout from the sidewalks. On one corner of my street I found drops of rain water caught on the surface of these beautiful leaves. They looked like the perfect little monsoon jewels shimmering in the sun filtering through the clouds.
Artist: Siddharth Kaneria
Location: Rajkot, Gujarat
Title: “Cosmic Bloom”
Process: This is a single-exposed cyanotype print with multiple negatives placed at the same time on paper.
The idea was to showcase a boy who merges with the cosmos while blooming flowers reflect celestial beauty in this captivating silhouette.
Artist: db Waltrip
Location: Florida, USA
Title; "Spanish Moss"
Process: This cyanotype is made from an oiled paper negative on watercolor paper.
Artist: Christine Panushka
Location: California, USA
Title: “Last Night”
Process: Playing with new materials.
Artist: Gabrielle Knöbl
Location: Mich. Mexico
Title: “Memories”
Process: Cyanotype with botanical print on cotton paper
Artist: Carla Marie Bratt
Location: California, USA
Title: "Water Lily"
Process: Personal photograph shot, put through the standard cyanotype process, rinsed with a hit of peroxide, & the center water lily hand colored.
Artist: Mariam Todd
Title: “Dogwood In Spring”
Process: This wet cyanotype on cold press watercolour paper aspires to bring the beauty of nature to you.
Artist: Walt Polley
Location: USA
Title “Dandelion”
Contact: -
Process: This print was made using the classic cyanotype formula and printed on Canson XL Watercolor paper. A digital negative was made using a hand adjusted curve based on Peter Mrhrar and his free Easy Digital Negative (EDN) process. I enjoy the challenges of using the same chemistry and techniques from over 180 years ago. This labor-intensive practice transforms a casual, ephemeral, disposable digital image into a unique, hand-crafted photographic print.
Artist: Gail Stiffe
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Title; "Alpine Dingo"
Process: Cyanotype on pulp painted handmade paper. We were lucky to see the dingo on the side of the road up in the mountains, it stood and looked at us. The photo was taken from the car with my phone.
Artist: Stephen Hopkins Sheffield
Title; "Fingerprint Card- Lucky Strike"
Contact: @stephen_Sheffield_Photography (IG)
Process: I found a vintage fingerprint kit from the 1940s. It came with a stack of “cards” to be filled out at crime scenes and then to be filed at the station. I have copied these cards and been printing on them for years since. (up in the 300s by now) The process is straight cyanotype using photographs that i have taken based on pulp fiction crime novels or using found photographs. The image here is one that I produced myself.
Artist: Jennifer Blue
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Title; "El Toro"
Process: I created a negative of a photocollage and then produced the final image by way of the cyanotype process. This work, of a series, salutes the inheritance of science and the-bull-in-the-china-shop metaphor from my father. He appeared subtle, but he wasn’t.
Artist: Vincent Sebastian
Location: USA
Title; "Portrait With Blooms"