Artist: Vincent Sebastian
Title: "Dark Figure Large Hat"

Artist: Walt Polley
Title: “White Rose”
Process: Classic cyanotype on Legion Masa paper

Artist: Bonnie O App
Title” “Ohio Ferns”
Process: The ferns that I used in this direct contact cyanotype image were collected during my daily walk. It is my hope that my art will inspire awareness and appreciation of the natural environment. The double exposure was made on cotton watercolor paper using my own UV light source.

Artist: Robert Currie
Title: “Anticipation in Blue”
Instagram: @espyreflections
This piece is a cyanotype using traditional chemistry on Watercolour Paper exposed using a 100w UV light for 5 minutes. Inspiration for this piece is from a digital photograph a close friend took of her daughter during a dance competition during Covid.

Artist: Marloes Duyker
Title: “Great Aunt Annie”
Process: Cyanotype on fabric.

Artist: Melissa Wilgis
Title: “Crown of Thorns Starfish”
Contact: www.melissawilgis.com
Process: Cyanotype on Silver Gelatin Photogram

Artist: Cedric Muscat
Title: "Thames Misty Morn"
Process: Classic Cyanotype

Artist: Blue Lumiere Art
Title: “Shoal”
Instagram: @bluelumiere.art
Process: This piece is created from a hand drawn sketch of a minnow, replicated, and turned into a negative. The cyanotype was printed using a wet process overlaid with cling film, salt, the negative and exposed in the sun for 30 minutes.

Artist: Jaffer Bhimji
Title “Grace In The Woodland”
Process: Produced an A4 negative then processed as traditional cyanotype way using chemistry on a coated watercolour paper.

Artist: Laura Mora Freeman
Title; "Who are you?"
Process: On cotton fabric. A reflection I did during the pandemic about our reflections on the mirror and the perception of the self.

Artist: Melody Locke
Title: “Vasquez Rocks III”
Contact: https://melodylocke.com/
Process: Cyanotype on watercolor paper that was made from a negative made from one of my Holga film negatives.

Artist: Denise Martin
Title: Acacia Seed Pods

Artist: donna Moore
Title: Amanda’s Peacock Feather
IG: @donnamoore32
Process: This is a Cyanolumen. Cyanotype chemistry was applied to expired photo paper, it was sprayed with vinegar, sprinkled with salt and soap bubbles added. Exposure time was about two hours.It was rinsed in water, dipped in peroxide, chemically fixed and rinsed again.

Artist: Girasol Cyanos
Title: "Japanese Crane & Girasol Love Story"
Process: This piece is a logo for my cyanotype work. It’s a mixture of graphic design & cyanotype process. Japanese crane & Girasol is a metaphorical context in a love story so that I chose both of them.

Artist: Andie Dale
Title: Untitled
Instagram: @andiehsd
Process: This is a frozen cyanotype. When the UK reached -11C in January, I experimented by using ice instead of glass to weight down the items I was exposing. This led to some interesting effects.

Artist: Ronald D. Butler Title: " thbptttttttt #1" Contact: https://www.facebook.com/Ronald.D.Butler Process: This image is from my found snapshot collection. I made a digital negative of it and printed it on striped watercolor paper that mimics wall paper.

Artist: Gail Stiffe
Title: "I Only Fell in the River Once"
Contact: www.gailstiffe.info @gail_stiffe_books_paper
Process: Base paper was handmade abaca with pulp painting around the edges. The title refers to a project that I undertook where I traveled to over 20 locations along the Yarra river collecting water and fallen leaves, bark and seed pods. I made an eco printed book from paper that I soaked in the collected water. I took photographs at each collection point and used some to make cyanotype negatives. My husband took this particular photograph.

Artist: Deborah Brown
Title: “Backyard”
Instagram: @DEBORAHABROWN2023
Process:This piece is the result of taking my son’s advice and “doing something original”. Taken with my Iphone, changed to a negative, printed negative on Epson printer. Exposed on mixed media paper in the sun for 4 minutes.

Artist: Strikwerda, Shirley
Title: Maple Leaf 2
Process: Traditional cyanotype, exposed under the sun.

Artist: Katie Timko
Title: "Crystal Shadows"
Process: This image is part of a series in which I positioned glass objects between the paper and a UV lamp. The object is close to the paper and the light source is approximately 2 feet away. Exposure time is 30 minutes. Standard cyanotype emulsion was applied to Bienfang Graphics 360 paper.

Artist: db Waltrip
Title: “Washateria, Coin-Operated”
Instagram: @db.kodachromegirl
Process: This is a photograph taken with the Hipstamatic app on iphone. The print is from an oiled paper negative, creased & scratched, then exposed in sunlight for about 2 minutes. Traditional cyanotype on watercolor paper.

Artist: George G
Title: "Phone Boxes"
Process: Panoramic image shot with an Olympus Pen EE3 half-frame camera. Printed on hot press watercolour paper.