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Artist: Vicki Hunt

Location: Alabama

Title: "The Hat Collection #2"

Process:  Black and white film, gelatin print, scan, handmade negative, cyanotype process to art paper. (Inspired by my Mother's Derby hats.)


IG:  @itallstartsout_pearlwhite



Artist: Ray Harris

Location: Bristol.UK

Title: "Girl in Blue"

Description: This is a cyanotype using a digital negative based on one of my wife’s paintings (artist Shakun Harris). Traditional cyanotype process on 200 gsm watercolour paper.



Artist:  Jaffer Bhimji

Location:  London, England, UK

Title:  “Retro Betty Portrait”

Description:  Printed on a water colour paper exposed in bright sun for 30 minutes. During wash added a bit of vinegar.


FB: @Jaffer Bhimji

IG: @JafferBhimji


Artist:   Ronald D. Butler

Location:  New York City 

Title:  "Walk Away" 

Description:  This story in four panels was shot on film with a Lomography Pop4 camera. I rendered a digital negative for both cyanotype and van dyke processes. I applied cyanotype first on the Somerset Velvet paper and then did a second pass of selectively applied van dyke solution.


FB: @Ronald D. Butler 

IG: @ronbphotography

IG: @ronbutler


Artist:  Vincent Sebastian

Location: USA

Title;  "Mirror Portrait"

Process:  Cyanotype toned with coffee.


FB: @Vincent Sebastian


Artist: Katarzyna Lesniewska

Location: Sweden

Title: "Self -portret"

Description : Cyanotype on watercolor paper using negatives



FB: @kasialesniewska




Artist: Girish R. Jambhalikar

Location: Pune India

Title:  "Peacock & Yellow Sun Stories"

Description:  I made this artwork for a really precious person like a pearl, for her success in doing what she loves, Though I didn't get a chance to touch her feet, I bow to her and her Magnificent artwork. Through my little cyanotype artwork. This work is dedicated to our spiritual relation, the friendship.



FB: @Girasol Cyano

IG:  @girasol_cyano


Artist: Dawn Lacoursiere

Location: Michigan

Title: Cottage Daydreams 

Description: Cyanotype of dried Hydrangea and Hibiscus buds on Crinkled Cotton along with Sepia cyanotype leaves embroidered on a striped fringed cheese cloth. Embroidered chains and embellishments with coordinating antique threads



IG: @ddtcreates



Artist:  JF Edwards

Location:  Mid Norfolk UK

Title:  "Abstract no.37"

Description:  My image was constructed using both cyanotype and turmeric sun printing using feathers and skeleton leaves.



IG @offtherecordartfactory 


Artist:  Ewa Gucinska

Location:  Poland

Title:  Ornamental Garlic

Description:  Wet cyanotype with turmeric and salt.



FB:  @Ewa Gucińska 

IG:   @guciewa


Artist:  Shelly Barcelona

Location:  Mobile, Alabama

Title:  "Desolation"

Description:  Previous oil painting cyanotyped with vegetable oil on watercolor paper. Sat in sunlight for roughly two hours.



IG:  @penwithnoplan


Artist:  Magdéleine Ferru

Title : "Blue Love"

Description : cyanotype over polaroid, collage, fabric



FB: @JustMagD



Artist:   Eliza Eleonora Frangelaki        

Location:       Greece

Title:               "World Heritage"

Description: Venice is a city threatened not only by the floods but also overtourism. It is the world's inheritance and we must make sure to pass it on to the next generations.  This is a cyanotype using 10% chemicals on Fabriano 100% cotton paper.



IG:  @lizaggelou


Artist: Walt Polley

Location: Minnesota, USA

Title: "the old fashioned way"

Description: classic cyanotype showing a farmer and his team of oxen, plowing a field near Viñales, Cuba.



IG: @portraits_by_walt

FB: @walt.polley



Artist:  Jodi Benaroch

Location:  Atlanta, GA

Title:  "Winter Scene"

Description:   Cyanolumen, fixed



IG: @thelumentree


Artist:   Denise Martin

Location: Gisborne, Victoria, Australia

Title: "Do We Have A Quorum"

Description: Conventional cyanotype on bottom half, photograph of clouds printed on rice paper, double exposure cyanotypes cut into bird shapes.



IG @Denise Martin


 Artist : Jill Welham

Location: Scotland, UK

Title: “Floating Fern”

Description: Wet cyanotype photogram on Hahnmuhle Platinum Rag paper using a fern found in local woodland, soap suds, and diluted white vinegar. Exposed outdoors in sun approximately 5 hours. White pen detail added once dry.



FB: @Mirrored Images Art

IG: @Mirrored Images Art


Artist: Stephanie Allington

Location: Sydney, Australia

Title: "Wet Cyanotype"

Description: Cyanotype print using dried eucalyptus leaves sprayed with water. 



IG: @stepha_photography


Artist:  Ian McKenzie

Location:  Calgary, Alberta

Title: "Leaves on Leaf"

Description: This is a cyanotype photogram of dried choke-cherry leaves on a page taken from a Japanese book. The chemical coating was applied with a water-colour brush, following the lines of characters on the page.



FB: @ian.mckenzie

IG:  @ianmckenzie


Artist:  Chris Byrnes

Location:  Australia

Title:   “In My Sister's Garden”

Description: Temporarily living in my sisters back garage/studio room shed.  Flower from her garden, watercolour paper, exposed while wet.  When you inherit a house it often comes with a garden or plants.  Who hasn't shared a cutting amongst family and friends.



IG: @lady_camera_obscura


Artist:  db Waltrip

Location:  Oklahoma, USA

Title:   “Blue Heron”

Description: Photogram on fabric of Blue Heron skull and a small bird nest, both foraged from Escambia Bay, FL. 




IG:  @db.icreate

IG:  @db.kodachromegirl





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